Would I recognize Him today?

I’ve had the story of Jesus joining the men on the road to Emmaus brought to my attention several times in the last few weeks. It has come up in messages from our Pastor, in a blog I read and today on the radio as I was coming to work. The men don’t recognize Jesus as He joins them.

Luke 24:13-29  The Road to Emmaus in God’s Word

Since it seems to keep coming up I’ve started to wonder if I would recognize Him if He appeared to me today. Would I recognize something He is doing in my life? My first response is, “Sure, I would. I mean He’s Jesus!” Verse 16 says that He has kept them from recognizing Him. Does He want us to know every little thing He does for us?

I remember in my very early time of being a Christian, my sister in law commented on a sermon the Pastor had preached that morning. She said, “We would treat Jesus the same as they did at the time of His crucifixion.” I was shocked that she would say this. But now I realize that she was right. Now I believe that even most Christians would deny that He is the Savior. It breaks my heart to admit this. Would I be one of them?

Lately, I have been lax in my Bible Study. I want to do my Bible Study and quiet time with Him every day but I’m having a hard time getting up in the morning and I always say, I’ll do it later, but I don’t. So I wouldn’t be surprised if He is trying to tell me I need to get serious about meeting with Him daily. I know studying His word helps me to recognize things happening in my life are happening because He is in control and letting them happen.

Serious rambling going through my mind today. Do you know Him? The Savior of the world? If you don’t it’s so important that you do. It’s a life-saving event. Your decision is for eternity. The plan of salvation